
“You, your website, and awesome message rings clear the kind of positive energy and integrated wholeness our readers would love to hear more about.” 

-Sibyl English, founder of

I’m so pleased and honored to be a part of this wonderful online magazine. My articles focus on the I developed in 2017. T.R.U.T.H. stands for The Road to Unresolved Trauma Healing: “ are the center of TRTH!” One of the first lessons we learn as children is to tell the truth. For those of us who are physically, emotionally, spiritually, sexually, and psychologically abused and traumatized, this lesson becomes a dire challenge. Frequently threatened and told to lie, we find ourselves ebbing further and further away from reality. The result is a spiritual loss so deep that recovery from trauma seems impossible. Through the , trauma survivors have the opportunity to resolve issues to achieve a healthy mind, body, and spirit.

Through my experiences with trauma, and my book Never Give Up: Break the Connection Between Stress and Illness, my articles cover the different aspects of healing from unresolved trauma. These articles are filled with tools and valuable information to help you resolve past trauma. If you’re dealing with unresolved trauma in your past, like a history of abuse, this program is for you. provides you with a learning opportunity to mend and improve the quality of your life through discussions, guided imagery, activities, and tools to assist you on the road to healing.

Alexis Acker-Halbur, Founder
Never Give Up Institute