
Do Something!

I haven’t written a post for quite some time. I admit that this year has me on edge with all the mass shootings, political divide, immigration crisis, and unemployment. Did…

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A New E-Book for You

If you feel you need some new enlightenment on the subject of healing from trauma, you will enjoy my personal essays. This new e-book, published in March 2019 on Amazon,…

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Happy Valentine’s Day

  The following article is gratefully reprinted with permission from Bruce Lipton, author of Think Beyond Your Genes. Hello Dear Friends, Cultural Creatives and Seekers Everywhere, By the time I…

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It’s My Birthday!

Hi Wellness Readers: Today is my birthday and it’s -10 degrees outside. My birthday lunch plans were rescheduled due to the extreme cold. Does this bother me? No, because I’ve…

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November Issue

Thanksgiving Blessings  At Thanksgiving, my wife and I celebrate by stating what we are the most grateful for in the past year. Countless thanks go out to her for being…

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