During the Forest Lake Relay For Life event last Saturday, my nephew, Jared, made me smile. It was during the memorial balloon release where we write the names of our deceased loved ones on helium balloons. As the song Over the Rainbow began, we released 100 balloons into the air. We shared in the silence and watched the balloons drift up into the sky as the sun began to set. We released balloons in the memory of my mother and mother-in-law who each died from cancer so many years ago. The sight of the balloons took my breath away.

Jared walked up to me, put his arm around my shoulders, and gave me a squeeze.

“I sent a balloon up for you,” he stated.

“But, I’m not dead,” I replied.

He smiled and said, I wrote on the balloon “Alex isn’t ready yet.”

My heart melted.

Never give up on you!