Renewing Life — Your Way to Heal
Life isn’t something that happens to you. You have tremendous power to live well in your life circumstances. You are an active participant in living an authentic life. I’ve written a lot about surviving and healing from unresolved trauma and the connection between stress and illness. Now, I’d like to tell you about a unique program I used to help me heal. The program is called “Renewing Lifeâ„¢” and it’s a 9-week program of discovery on […]
Let There Be Light
Season’s Greetings, Friends: This week I’ve been staying in the moment and finding unbelievable light and joy. Sure there are a lot of things that make me sad, but I also know that I can only help this world if I’m at my best. And why not right now? This very moment. It’s all I have — but it’s enough. After beating cancer, a friend of mine told me she knew I was healing because […]
Thank You!!!
Thanks! It’s such a simple word but it has such a profound effect. Saying thanks is one of the best ways to share our hearts. I’m always amazed at how many people never say thank you. What’s so hard about saying this to the people who make your life a bit easier? Doesn’t matter if it’s the clerk at the grocery store or your surgeon. People who do things for us deserve to be thanked […]
A Letter to the People of Paris
Dear Paris: My soul bleeds for you today – just as it did when the World Trade towers were brought down by terrorists. I feel your fear and disbelief. You feel that evil is everywhere and that you can’t escape it. Dread clouds your vision and your heart. How can this happen to peace-filled people? How can this gutless evil continue? There are some people who say prayer isn’t enough, that we need to take […]
Do You Need to be on a Digital Diet?
I met with a friend last week who told me she was putting herself on a “digital diet.” “What’s that?” I asked. She explained that checking her smart phone was becoming out-of-control. First thing in the morning, before she puts in her contacts, she presses her phone screen against her one good eye to read the latest news. I was amazed. A digital diet! According to an article in U.S. News and World Report, a […]
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