Don’t Go It Alone

  I went to bed last night totally depressed. Oh, someone made a comment that stabbed me in the heart. I felt as if the world was tilting and I just wanted to slide right off. All my doubts came flying back and the list went on and on… I’m too short, I weigh too much, I am not motivated, I lack energy, I…, I… I tried to pull the covers over my head but my dog […]

A Note to Victims of Clergy Abuse

Dear Victims of Clergy Abuse: You thought your priest was a hero, super-human, and god-like. You looked up to him because you knew he was supposed to be good, kind, and caring. At first, you couldn’t believe what he was asking you to do. He may have said something like, “It’s God’s love.” Or, “I’m saving you from rotten souls.” Of course now you know it was all lies — lies and deceit. And these […]

Gratitude for Things Past, Present & Future

A woman standing on top of steps in front of the light.

“Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this, too, was a gift.” –Mary Oliver Well Within, the nonprofit healing resource center that I’ve been a part of for the past eight years, is closing its doors. I’m filled with sadness but I also feel a wonderful sense of gratitude. I came to Well Within after my first diagnosis of cancer. I was adrift, tired […]

Stress IS Dangerous

According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, two-thirds of all office visits to family doctors are due to stress-related symptoms. Stress is an inevitable part of life. Our bodies are created to handle acute stress—a short-term type of stress that temporarily influences our normal state of well-being. Once the situation passes, the body returns to homeostasis. Chronic stress, however, is long-term stress that is sustained over a long period of time. Medical studies have […]

The Hoo-Hoos of Creative Boo-Boos

Have you ever tried to create something from nothing? Enter website designing. [I’m gonna be sick!] Designing a website takes tremendous energy and PATIENCE! I love how you’re told that it will be easy and you’ll have more options to create a website that reflects your true personality. [At least I show up unlike my images.] I find myself wondering where text and images went, and how they just disappear. [Without saying goodbye.] I’m beginning […]