When Is Enough — Enough?

A book cover with trees and grass in the background.

I went to bed that night wondering when enough is enough. Trauma of the brain is so scary, and I realized after reading Amy’s book that it is complex and so misunderstood. People undervalue those of us with TBI with comments like “It’s just a concussion, you’ll be fine,” or “You just fell and hit your head–it will heal.”  Amy says, “This invisible illness is very real.”

Minnesota’s Author Fair

A woman sitting at a table with some books

I’m going live at Minnesota’s Author Fair on Saturday, November 13, 2021. I’d love it if you could stop by and visit with me. I can tell you about all the BIG PROJECT I’m working on at the Institute.

Keep Speaking the Truth

A poster with an image of a person wrapped in a blanket.

I received this picture and saying from a woman I greatly admire. In fact, this photo and saying are so touching that I wanted to share it with everyone I know.