How Billionaires Bought the 2025 Presidency
So many of us wonder how the republicans won the 2025 presidency. It’s really not that confusing. The number one job of the United States of America was bought! That’s right! The presidency was bought by billionaires who only want to collect more on their investments than solving U.S. problems. The 2025 US Presidency Was Bought! The presidential loss for Democrats was not about unclear messaging. It was about a lack of money. The Republicans […]
Love vs. Fear

Are you fearing the 2024 presidential election in November and its outcome? You’re not alone if you do. Reading or listening to any media source, you’ll find thousands of fear-mongering titles and articles. I really have to dig for the good news in our world. True Fact: fear sells while love struggles to be recognized.
He Who Should Not Be Named

Name calling, racial slurs, insulting, belittling, tormenting, religious persecuting, and shaming are all forms of bullying, yet the one type of bullying – that I find the cruelest – is making fun of people with disabilities. Especially when it comes to Joe Biden’s predecessor—”he who should not be named!”
The Difference Between Faith and Ideology

From Vatican News comes a bombshell — the difference between faith and ideology. Pope Francis says, “It’s true that there are imperialisms that want to impose their ideology. […when] culture is distilled and turned into ideology, it’s poison. Culture is used, but distilled into ideology. We must distinguish the culture of a people from the ideologies that then appear from some philosopher, some politician of that people. And I say this for everyone, also for […]
When I Died

Yes, a part of me died. There was no one to bury, no ashes to disperse, and no mourner tears. I no longer suffer from terrible nightmares and memories. I don’t hate anymore and I’m open to welcoming my family back into this new life. But please don’t call me Jean. She died and no longer lives inside me.
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