Disclosure: 8 Reasons Children Don’t Disclose Abuse (Part 1)

By Ginger Kadlec [“This is a very informative article on the reasons why children don’t disclose abuse. If you’re an abuse survivor I recommend that you keep up with Ginger’s articles. They are well-written and contain information to help you heal.” Alex Acker-Halbur, Never Give Up Institute] For many adults, it’s difficult to understand why a child would ever be silent about the fact they are being abused and not actively seek help. Countless courtroom juries charged with […]

The Reason There is Evil in Our World

Dear Evildoers: You have it soooooooo easy! You have no rules to follow or limitations on what you can do. Everything you do, you can do without thought or feeling. There are no restrictions on how evil is too evil because it’s all evil. You’re not fraught with blame or guilt when you do something bad because, frankly, you just don’t care. Living a GOOD LIFE is so much more difficult. We have to be careful […]

What Does Depression Feel Like? Here’s Your Answer

A woman with her head down in the air.

Approximately 12 million women in the United States experience clinical depression each year.*  About one in every eight women can expect to develop clinical depression during their lives. Since I’m one of those eight, I’m asked a lot about what depression really feels like. The following description gives you an idea how deep and hopeless depression is like: My eyes open slowly adjusting to the dull throb of morning. I stare at the white, speckled ceiling trying […]

Do You Need to be on a Digital Diet?

I met with a friend last week who told me she was putting herself on a “digital diet.” “What’s that?” I asked. She explained that checking her smart phone was becoming out-of-control. First thing in the morning, before she puts in her contacts, she presses her phone screen against her one good eye to read the latest news. I was amazed. A digital diet! According to an article in U.S. News and World Report, a […]

The Hoo-Hoos of Creative Boo-Boos

Have you ever tried to create something from nothing? Enter website designing. [I’m gonna be sick!] Designing a website takes tremendous energy and PATIENCE! I love how you’re told that it will be easy and you’ll have more options to create a website that reflects your true personality. [At least I show up unlike my images.] I find myself wondering where text and images went, and how they just disappear. [Without saying goodbye.] I’m beginning […]