A Portrait of Trauma
Donald Trump was abused by his father and neglected by his mother. But does this childhood and adult trauma excuse his sociopathic behavior?
Trauma and Health in a World of COVID-19

Find out why COVID-19 isn’t the only health issue we should be eliminating.
I felt I had to tell the truth!

In a recent article in TIME magazine, Lyz Lenz wrote a brilliant article “Shouting Into the Void: How many personal stories must women share to convince others of their humanity?†I am moved by this article, so I want to share some of it with you, and then a few comments from me. “Women have long been compelled to share their most private moments in order to convince others of their humanity.†“As more men, […]
Do Something!
I haven’t written a post for quite some time. I admit that this year has me on edge with all the mass shootings, political divide, immigration crisis, and unemployment. Did I miss anything? Even though I’m an advocate for HOPE, I must say that 2019 has really been a trial for me. Every time news knocks me down, I try to get back up. With the multitude of chaos in our lives, getting up is slower […]
Law vs. Justice

I am a curious writer – one who wants to know how the world works. As I wrote my manuscript, The Bear: In the Middle of Between, I loomed over the court room scene where my main character fights for justice from all the damage that has been done to her. The most amazing truth came to light as I focused on this scene. Claudia, my main character, finds out the hard way that law […]
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