Finding an Answer to Cancer

This past Saturday, August 19th I had the pleasure of volunteering for the Forest Lake Relay For Life event. My wife Rita and I have been Relay volunteers for 10 years since my diagnosis of Stage IV colon cancer — twice! This is an event near and dear to my heart because my mother, many relatives, and friends have fought cancer battles — many have died and many more are still alive today. There’s still […]

Don’t Be Fooled: It’s Not Health Care — It’s Death Care

A black background with a white circle in the middle.

Have you read the June 2017 AARP article? Find Out Who Voted For The Health Care Bill: AARP opposes act it calls an “age tax” on Older Americans. If you missed it, it was a stunning article that affects ALL the baby boomers. Here’s what it said: “The U.S. House of Representatives on May 4 passed the American Health Care Act by a razor-thin margin: 217 to 213. It includes an “age tax” that AARP […]

A Message About Mammograms

A large house with a garage in the front yard.

So what does a garage door have to do with a mammogram? What happened recently is soooooo Alex! I went in to have my annual mammogram and four weeks later I had a breast biopsy. WHAT! Yes, and that’s why I’m sending this message to all of you who have not scheduled your mammos. Breast cancer is so sneaky. It can hide in the breast tissue and go undetected for months if not years. In […]

Dear Mr. Trump

A wheelchair is shown in black and white.

Dear Mr. Trump: I’m a 41-year-old mom with six children. I’m like all moms who want their children to be safe from crime and live healthy lives; but unlike other moms, I was lead poisoned at the age of four. I didn’t know this when I had my six children, but now they all have health and behavioral problems because of the high levels of lead that were found in my blood. My lead poisoning […]

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month

A man with his head down on the ground

Child abuse has been going on for centuries and the statistics aren’t getting any better. The fact is, as long as men believe their wives and children are their property, domestic and child abuse will never be eliminated. This belief breaks my heart and it goes against all religious and civil principles know to humans. Abused children are too young to understand why they’re being hurt. Many children, in fact, take on the responsibility for […]