Exceptional Responders

A man in hospital bed with an oxygen mask on.

Exceptional Responders: long-term survivors of late-stage cancer who went into full or partial remission. I don’t typically like labels because they often incorporate a stereotype, BUT, the “exceptional responder” (ER) is a label I will gladly accept. Why am I an ER? Glad you asked. I had a three-year follow-up colonoscopy last week. I’ll be honest that the thought of going through colon cancer again stirred up some fears. I had to keep reminding myself […]

Dalai Lama says: “NEVER GIVE UP”

A man with glasses and a red shirt is surrounded by words.

While I was soaking up the sun and ocean in Mexico last week, I heard the following from the Dalai Lama: “No matter what is going on Never give up Develop the heart Too much energy in your country Is spent developing the mind Instead of the heart Be compassionate Not just to your friends But to everyone Be compassionate Work for peace In your heart and in the world Work for peace And I […]

I Didn’t Kill Jesus!

A painting of jesus on the cross with two men.

An Easter Reflection. . . I grew up Catholic going to mass every day while attending parochial grade school. I had constant contact with God as I tried to make my way through long sermons and religious ceremonies. I spent so many hours on my knees that I thought I would surely have to have knee replacement when I was older. I was taught to believe in mortal sin though I did not really know […]

National Cancer Day

A person standing on the side of a road with balloons.

Wednesday, February 3, designated as “National Cancer Day,” is a very important day for those of us living or knowing someone with cancer. It’s also an important day to remember our loved ones who fought cancer and lost their lives. Yes, cancer is still stealing lives even though great progress has been made to treat it. Why is cancer so vile? Well, it takes a healthy human body and turns that body into a vacuum […]

I Just Don’t Get It (Part 2)

A statue of an angel with hands covering eyes.

In my last post I mentioned the concept of love over fear/evil to abolish wars. Sure, you might think that this is a simplistic answer to a very complex issue, but I’m not kidding — love is powerful and healing. I have seen miracles of love beating cancer over and over, of people overcoming tragedy, and of nature healing from weather-caused calamities. Our minds and hearts are amazing things and if put them to the […]