
I went to bed last night totally depressed. Oh, someone made a comment that stabbed me in the heart. I felt as if the world was tilting and I just wanted to slide right off. All my doubts came flying back and the list went on and on… I’m too short, I weigh too much, I am not motivated, I lack energy, I…, I…

I tried to pull the covers over my head but my dog decided to lay his head on my chest.

How can anyone be depressed when your pet does something so loving?

Bob is one of my best friends. He doesn’t say much, but his actions speak volumes. He looks at me with those big brown eyes and I melt. Getting through rough times is also made easier when Bob licks my tears and sits alongside me with his paw on my leg.

So I got out of bed and started my day. I feel much better now.

Thanks, Bob!