Exceptional Responders: long-term survivors of late-stage cancer who went into full or partial remission.

I don’t typically like labels because they often incorporate a stereotype, BUT, the “exceptional responder” (ER) is a label I will gladly accept. Why am I an ER? Glad you asked. I had a three-year follow-up colonoscopy last week. I’ll be honest that the thought of going through colon cancer again stirred up some fears. I had to keep reminding myself that the fears were normal and probably 95% more emotion than fact. The results? I’m cancer clean.

I’m an ER because I survived two diagnoses of Stage IV colon cancer. Originally, I had a six-percent chance of survival. The stats were stacked against me but after eight years I’ve outlived remission and am totally cured.

I’m grateful for my oncologist’s treatment knowledge, my surgeons skilled hands, my nurses awesome care, the kind hospital staffs who watched over me and kept me safe, and of course, Rita, and all my friends and family. Cancer takes a village! Mine took a metropolis!

Exceptional responders are tough fighters with a committed plan for survival. Yet, none of us can survive without the blessed help of others.

Some people, like me, live years after being told to get their affairs in order. With advanced care and treatment options, cancer is losing it’s hold on our fears and our bodies. Yet, we still have a lot of learning to do – and that takes money.

Will you help me raise the funds needed to find the cancer cures? I Relay For Life in Forest Lake, MN. This year I want to raise more funds than ever for research and education. I give because I live! Thank you.

I was in a coma after my second liver surgery. This is where the tough get tougher!
I was in a coma after my second liver surgery. This is where the tough get tougher!

Never Give Up!!!

Alexis Acker-Halbur