In my last post I mentioned the concept of love over fear/evil to abolish wars. Sure, you might think that this is a simplistic answer to a very complex issue, but I’m not kidding — love is powerful and healing. I have seen miracles of love beating cancer over and over, of people overcoming tragedy, and of nature healing from weather-caused calamities. Our minds and hearts are amazing things and if put them to the test, we can find peace.
The following facts/statements are from the New Internationalist Magazine, Issue 311:
“In recorded history since 3600 BC, over 14,500 major wars have killed close to four billion people – two-thirds of the current world population.1
In armed conflicts since 1945, 90 per cent of casualties have been civilians compared to 50 per cent in the Second World War and 10 per cent in the First.2 The planning and execution of war remains controlled by men. But women and children are the main victims of violence in war and peace.”
– See more at: http://newint.org/features/1999/04/01/thefacts/#sthash.2XywP3PR.dpuf
“Major wars have killed close to four billion people.” These were someone’s parents, siblings, children, relatives, neighbors, and friends. Most of us know someone who has fought in a war and come back as broken souls. The atrocities are nothing but evil at its worst.
We can never give up on the pursuit of universal peace!
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