My post today is very difficult to write. I’m so sad to let you know that my best friend, Bob, our 17-year old cockapoo died yesterday. He went over the Rainbow Bridge wagging his tail. He was the best man in our wedding and became my chemo-buddy in 2007 when I was diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer. We gave him seventeen years of love and care.
For people who don’t have pets, I’m sure my extreme grief is foreign. Bob woke us up each day and filled our lives with joy. He was funny and adorable and protected us from harm. He went with us on trips and especially loved camping with us. Bob had his own camping chair and, as we’d sit around the campfire, he snoozed on his chair under his favorite blanket. Did we spoil him? Absolutely! I can only smile knowing that if Bob had been our human child, he would’ve been a handful.
I’m so grateful that Bob lived for 17 years. He’d meet us at the door when we got home and would run around us showing us how happy he was to have us home. We were always delighted to see him, too.
If you have a special pet, please give her/him a big hug! Rest in peace, little Buddy!
Alexis Acker-Halbur is an award-winning author and medical miracle. Child abuse made her seriously ill and put her in harm’s way many times. She survives and shares her experiences and tools with women and men who have been traumatized.
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