When Bob Went Away

A man standing in front of the ocean at sunset.

My best four-pawed friend crossed over the Rainbow Bridge on May 12, 2024. I’m still grieving and missing him a lot. Bob was 17 years old and a cockapoo. He came to live with us when I was diagnose

My Beloved Bob!

A man sitting on the ground with his dog.

My post today is very difficult to write. I’m so sad to let you know that my best friend, Bob, our 17-year old cockapoo died yesterday.

Love vs. Fear

A field of grass with the sun shining in it.

Are you fearing the 2024 presidential election in November and its outcome? You’re not alone if you do. Reading or listening to any media source, you’ll find thousands of fear-mongering titles and articles. I really have to dig for the good news in our world. True Fact: fear sells while love struggles to be recognized.

He Who Should Not Be Named

A man in a suit and tie holding a microphone.

Name calling, racial slurs, insulting, belittling, tormenting, religious persecuting, and shaming are all forms of bullying, yet the one type of bullying – that I find the cruelest – is making fun of people with disabilities. Especially when it comes to Joe Biden’s predecessor—”he who should not be named!”

No, LGBTQ+ People Aren’t Filth!

A blue and pink background with two heads.

     Nex Benedict Dear Truth and Wellness Seekers: [The following guest sermon was submitted by Universal Life Church Monastery (ULC) Minister Lorraine Fisher and posted by Universal Life Church Monastery Newsletter on Feb 29, 2024] The tragic death of 16-year-old nonbinary high school student Nex Benedict has [led] to some difficult conversations – and alarming revelations – in my home state of Oklahoma. Nex identified as nonbinary, and recently died following an altercation with […]