10 Rules to Refuel Your Health During the Pandemic of War
Have you ever thought that war is a pandemic? Since the beginning of time, man has used war to show off their power and greed.
Do Something!
I haven’t written a post for quite some time. I admit that this year has me on edge with all the mass shootings, political divide, immigration crisis, and unemployment. Did I miss anything? Even though I’m an advocate for HOPE, I must say that 2019 has really been a trial for me. Every time news knocks me down, I try to get back up. With the multitude of chaos in our lives, getting up is slower […]
A New E-Book for You

If you feel you need some new enlightenment on the subject of healing from trauma, you will enjoy my personal essays. This new e-book, published in March 2019 on Amazon, has twelve essays focusing on how you can take the lead in your healing. I address three of the most important elements needed to heal from traumatic events. They include: mind, body, and spirit. Like a three-legged stool, if one leg is broke, the stool […]
November Issue

Thanksgiving Blessings At Thanksgiving, my wife and I celebrate by stating what we are the most grateful for in the past year. Countless thanks go out to her for being employed and healthy. Due to her employment, I have health insurance and the ability to seek medical attention when it is necessary. Even though I have a list of medical conditions and quirky foibles, my wife has been by my side for 27 years and […]
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