Where Does Freedom of Speech End?
According to the state of Florida, a movie or a book can be banned in schools if one parent complains. What? Yes, that’s right and it seems this trend is creeping out of Florida and into more states – like Tennessee and Wyoming.
Think Beyond Your Genes
Amid the current global chaos, a new world is emerging like a Phoenix from the ashes, a world based on love rather than fear (based on love rather than fear) and we are its co-creators. We are, each and all, active participants in what will amount to be the greatest of human adventures, for we are on the threshold of an incredible evolutionary event … the emergence of a new super-organism, Humanity.
In the Beginning There was Chaos
Chaos began the moment the universe was created. For those seeking answers to where chaos began, this post will guide you to a remarkable source.
Guest Blogger: The Spirit of Making Love
[Damiian Mario Lang is in my writer’s group. He shared this writing with us and I was so moved I asked him for permission to reprint it here. He thankfully agreed. I ask that you read his words with the love he wrote them with and with an open soul.] The spirit of Making Love is in the heart of the human being. There are so many more of us now, aching, reaching out, speaking up, […]