The Root of Evil

A woman holding a sparkler in her hand.

As we head toward July 4th, I ask all of you to stand up and acknowledge our diversity, cultures, beliefs, and freedoms. We are a free people, and evil men cannot take this country down.

Election Exhaustion

The mid-term elections are over and it’s time to take a break. Find ways to lower your stress. Don’t forget that stress can cause illness.

Another Horrific Hate Crime

A statue of an angel with hands covering eyes.

My heart and prayers go out to all the people injured and murdered Saturday night in Orlando, FL. Friends, partners, husbands and husbands, wives and wives, family — all of us grieve for your lost loved ones and those that were injured beyond repair. All of us condemn such evil and hate. It amazes me how evil people have such easy access to deadly weapons.  Rita and I were traveling in the Middle East last year and we had a […]