April is Prevent Child Abuse Month
Trauma and abuse can take many forms including physical, emotional, verbal, sexual, neglect, exploitation, and more. When we speak of child maltreatment, we normally first think of physical abuse, but the shocking truth is that neglect is the number one form of child abuse in America.
Think Beyond Your Genes
Amid the current global chaos, a new world is emerging like a Phoenix from the ashes, a world based on love rather than fear (based on love rather than fear) and we are its co-creators. We are, each and all, active participants in what will amount to be the greatest of human adventures, for we are on the threshold of an incredible evolutionary event … the emergence of a new super-organism, Humanity.
Election Exhaustion
The mid-term elections are over and it’s time to take a break. Find ways to lower your stress. Don’t forget that stress can cause illness.
Retired but Not Gone!
Dear Wellness Seekers, On May 3 of this year I decided to retire. After 65 years of life, I decided it was time for me to relax and truly enjoy this freedom. I do not intend to stop writing my posts (yes, it’s been a long time since I last posted) or writing books. Writing helps me and I hope it helps you to find your path out of trauma. The past few months I’ve […]
10 Rules to Refuel Your Health During the Pandemic of War
Have you ever thought that war is a pandemic? Since the beginning of time, man has used war to show off their power and greed.
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