Living with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

A book cover with the title of if i could tell you how it feels.

I received the diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) about ten years ago, after my daughter was involved in a serious accident while walking to school. Before the accident, I worked hard to keep my life, my family and their world so protected that the instant she got hit, my controlled snow globe world instantly cracked, hit the ground, and shattered. In fact, when my son and I were talking the day of the accident, he […]

Childhood Trauma and Substance Abuse

A statue of an angel with hands covering eyes.

I received this article from today about childhood trauma and substance abuse. I thought my readers who were abused as children would find this information helpful. Please remember that the connection between trauma and illness is a vicious cycle. It becomes even more deadly if you use alcohol or drugs to cope with your unresolved trauma issues. Get help immediately. I want to thank Trey Dyer for writing this enlightening article. Childhood Trauma and […]