When Abuse Happens

A woman standing in the middle of a field at sunset.

With the heat this summer came a story of abuse that scorched my soul. A young relative confided in me that she has been sexually, physically, verbally, and spiritually abused since she was a child. Her story broke my heart because I had no idea this was going on. When abuse happens it ignites me and makes me rageful, and it should ignite our communities too!

I felt I had to tell the truth!

A word spelled out in scrabble tiles that spell " truth ".

In a recent article in TIME magazine, Lyz Lenz wrote a brilliant article “Shouting Into the Void: How many personal stories must women share to convince others of their humanity?†I am moved by this article, so I want to share some of it with you, and then a few comments from me. “Women have long been compelled to share their most private moments in order to convince others of their humanity.†“As more men, […]

New Program Coming Soon!

A poster for the truth program.

  One of the first lessons we learn as children is to tell the truth. For children who are physically, emotionally, and psychologically abused and traumatized, this lesson becomes a dire challenge. Frequently threatened and told to lie these children — now adults — grow further and further from the truth. That is until now. In the coming weeks, I’ll be sharing with you a new program to help resolve trauma issues to achieve a […]

Why I Lied

A white surface with some water on it

As a child I made snow angels below my bedroom window to keep me protected. I needed to do this because Dad would sometimes come into my bedroom and do bad things to me. When morning came I was always comforted to see my snow angel right where I made her. But one winter morning, I looked out the window and my snow angel was gone. Dad had come into the bedroom the night before […]