I felt I had to tell the truth!

A word spelled out in scrabble tiles that spell " truth ".

In a recent article in TIME magazine, Lyz Lenz wrote a brilliant article “Shouting Into the Void: How many personal stories must women share to convince others of their humanity?†I am moved by this article, so I want to share some of it with you, and then a few comments from me. “Women have long been compelled to share their most private moments in order to convince others of their humanity.†“As more men, […]

We the People

We the People . . . did not ask men to violate the bodies of women, nor did we ask men to create laws to punish us for our beliefs and constitution-given rights. We the People . . . are human beings with minds, bodies, and beating hearts. The laws of this nation need to validate gender equality, and void male domination over females in every area of a woman’s life. We the People . […]