Terror Starts in the Home (Part 1)

  If you look up the words “terrorist†and “abuser†in the dictionary you may find the descriptions horrifyingly similar. According to Dictionary.com, the definition of a terrorist is: 1. a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism. 2. a person who terrorizes or frightens others. The Dictionary.com definition of an abuser is: 1. A person, [usually a member of a family,] who wrongly or improperly misuses one’s authority. 2. […]

The Outcome of Telling the Truth

In last Sunday’s StarTribune newspaper, a front page article stated: Abuse reports swamp system. Children are stranded as Hennepin County foster homes and shelters fill up. The first paragraph read, A dramatic rise in reported child abuse in Hennepin County is overwhelming children protection workers, filling up foster homes and shelter beds and in extreme cases forcing children to stay with abusive parents, according to county officials and records. I’m not at all surprised by this article […]

The #1 Reason Children Recant Abuse Allegations

APRIL 5, 2016 BY AMERICAN SPCC [This very interesting article appeared on the American SPCC website. I copied it in case you missed it. It’s an insightful article.] In the world of child forensic interviewing, there is a well-known fact… Disclosure is a process, not a one-time event. Disclosing abuse, be it sexual, physical, psychological or neglect, can be incredibly difficult for a child. The same holds true for adults… imagine yourself sitting in a room with someone you just […]