If you are feeling anxious and depressed as the 2024 presidential election approaches, you are definitely not alone. Once Joe Biden withdrew from the election, which I thank him for all the wonderful things he’s done for our country, I had to admit that his age was an issue for me, too. However, the emergence of the Kamala Harris and Tim Walz ticket has destroyed my blues and given me a a wonderful sense of hope again. Within a short time, the democrats have risen from old age to new heights of energy and strong commitment, leading us by two people who really understand the needs of Americans today!
Congratulations to Joe Biden for four super-great years as our president!
Congratulations to Kamala and Tim for confronting the weird and wacky policies of D. Trump and the Republicans (or as I refer to them as the “Retrumpblicans”).
The “Retrumplican’s” Project 2025 is so terrifying to think that people would actually want and accept to go back to the 1950’s. There’s no other word to describe it but “SCARY.” Tim Walz’s quote on, “Mind your own damn business,” is the best way to show how “Retrumplicans” want to come into our bedrooms and mandate our behaviors. Or mandate teachers to teach the Bible in Oklahoma schools, supposedly to teach our children about history. Personally, I believe that “we the people” are being discriminated against. These rules are despicable and cruel.
Trump is very likely going through dementia, but then, so are the people who follow him. When was the last time he said something truthful? Never!
It’s time now to show other countries that we won’t vote for a dictator! We’re not afraid to say “NO!” We’re not afraid to say “Lock him up!” And we’re not afraid to “tell the truth!” Liars, misogamists, weirdoes, and Retrumpblicans have no place in the country we hold dear! Is there anyway to describe Trump better than this:
The following traits are typical of the misogynist:
- He will zero in on a woman and choose her as his target. Her natural defenses may be down because he’s flirtatious, exciting, fun, and charismatic at first.
- As time goes on, he begins to reveal a Jekyll & Hyde personality. He may change quickly from irresistible to rude, and from rude back to irresistible.
- He will make promises to women and often fail to keep them. With men, on the other hand, he will almost always keep his word.
- He will be late for appointments and dates with women, but be quite punctual with men.
- His behavior toward women, in general, is grandiose, cocky, controlling, and self-centered.
- He is extremely competitive, especially with women. If a woman does better than him socially or professionally, he feels terrible. If a man does better, he may have mixed feelings about it but he is able to look at the situation objectively.
- He will unknowingly treat women differently from men in workplace and social settings, allowing men various liberties for which he will criticize female colleagues or friends.
- He will be prepared (unconsciously) to use anything within his power to make women feel miserable. He may demand sex or withhold sex in his relationships, make jokes about women or put them down in public, “borrow” their ideas in professional contexts without giving them credit, or borrow money from them without paying them back.
From: The article, “12 Ways to Spot a Misogynist: Men who hate women may not consciously realize it,” by Berit Brogaard D.M.Sci., Ph.D in Psychology Today posted on February 18, 2015.
by Alexis Acker-Halbur

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