The Root of Evil

A woman holding a sparkler in her hand.

As we head toward July 4th, I ask all of you to stand up and acknowledge our diversity, cultures, beliefs, and freedoms. We are a free people, and evil men cannot take this country down.

April is Prevent Child Abuse Month

A woman with long hair and leaves flying from her head.

Trauma and abuse can take many forms including physical, emotional, verbal, sexual, neglect, exploitation, and more. When we speak of child maltreatment, we normally first think of physical abuse, but the shocking truth is that neglect is the number one form of child abuse in America.

Where Does Freedom of Speech End?

According to the state of Florida, a movie or a book can be banned in schools if one parent complains. What? Yes, that’s right and it seems this trend is creeping out of Florida and into more states – like Tennessee and Wyoming.

When Is Enough — Enough?

A book cover with trees and grass in the background.

I went to bed that night wondering when enough is enough. Trauma of the brain is so scary, and I realized after reading Amy’s book that it is complex and so misunderstood. People undervalue those of us with TBI with comments like “It’s just a concussion, you’ll be fine,” or “You just fell and hit your head–it will heal.”  Amy says, “This invisible illness is very real.”

More About Why We Lie

A woman sitting on top of a wooden bench.

There’s research that shows that primates evolved the tendency to tell lies to maximize survival, and  2018 study in Memory and Cognition explains [how] false denial can serve as a coping tool for managing shame and guilt.