Perpetrators In Our Midst

A picture of donald trump with words all over it.

For years, I could never understand how Adolf Hitler (who was inspired by Benito Mussolini), Joseph Stalin, and Vladimir Putin could rise to power and commit such acts of evil destruction. Looking at Donald Trump (who is inspired by Putin), and reading this article, I now fully understand how the American people voted for him. I’m always struck by how, after some act of violence and crime, fraud/[manipulation], or abuse, everyone laments: Someone must have […]

Verbal Abuse IS Domestic Abuse

A woman standing in front of a building at night.

Dear Wellness Seeker,  I received this email this morning from NO MORE Foundation and thought I would spread the word. The holidays are extremely stressful and angry words can ruin the season. If you or someone you know is being verbally abused, PLEASE help yourself or them with reading this article. Thank you NO MORE Foundation for your commitment to and work for abuse survivors. Did you know that nearly half of all women and […]

I felt I had to tell the truth!

A word spelled out in scrabble tiles that spell " truth ".

In a recent article in TIME magazine, Lyz Lenz wrote a brilliant article “Shouting Into the Void: How many personal stories must women share to convince others of their humanity?†I am moved by this article, so I want to share some of it with you, and then a few comments from me. “Women have long been compelled to share their most private moments in order to convince others of their humanity.†“As more men, […]

Do Something!

I haven’t written a post for quite some time. I admit that this year has me on edge with all the mass shootings, political divide, immigration crisis, and unemployment. Did I miss anything? Even though I’m an advocate for HOPE, I must say that 2019 has really been a trial for me. Every time news knocks me down, I try to get back up. With the multitude of chaos in our lives, getting up is slower […]

We the People

We the People . . . did not ask men to violate the bodies of women, nor did we ask men to create laws to punish us for our beliefs and constitution-given rights. We the People . . . are human beings with minds, bodies, and beating hearts. The laws of this nation need to validate gender equality, and void male domination over females in every area of a woman’s life. We the People . […]