The Reason There is Evil in Our World

by Alexis Acker-Halbur

Dear Evildoers:

You have it soooooooo easy! You have no rules to follow or limitations on what you can do. Everything you do, you can do without thought or feeling. There are no restrictions on how evil is too evil because it’s all evil. You’re not fraught with blame or guilt when you do something bad because, frankly, you just don’t care.

A white triangle pattern is shown in this image.Living a GOOD LIFE is so much more difficult. We have to be careful for what we say and do. Our hearts must be open and honest. We must treat ourselves and others with respect. We choose love over fear and acts of kindness over evil deeds.



The difference between good and evil:

We choose peace — you choose war.
We choose development — you choose destruction.
We pray for wisdom — you prey on fools.
We act with concern — you act vicious.
We seek the light — you seek the darkness.
We laugh at ourselves — you laugh at us.
We use love to live — you use fear to scare.
We want equality — you want disharmony.
We use pain to motivate — you use pain to make us weak.
We take the hard road — you take the easy way.
We seek humility — you seek glory.
We use words to heal — you use words to hurt.
We don’t use you — you use us.
We change for the good — you just don’t change.
Being evil is so easy.
Being good is not.

Never give up being good!



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