Hi Wellness Seekers:

My life mission is to offer you healing tools to help you resolve trauma in your life. My new-to-be-released, fiction novel, THE BEAR: In the Middle of Between, is the story of a young woman who can no longer live in a world of abuse. You will find this novel filled with hope and encouragement. If you have ever dreamed about taking your abuser to court, this novel is for you.

Filled with magical realism and real life events, THE BEAR will help you understand the complexity of trying to survive trauma. If you read and loved the book, The Shack, by William P. Young, this story enhances the ideas of survival vs. death and faith vs. fear.

Published by Kirk House Publishers, who print books with a cause, you can order the novel by clicking on this link: www.kirkhousepublishers.com

I hope you will order my novel today. Orders will be sent out after May 20, 2020.


Alexis Acker-Halbur