Donald Trump needs to have his mouth washed out with soap! Doesn’t he realize that he is an abuser by saying and doing evil things to all of us? Saying that it’s okay to grope women because he’s a star is so unreal and evil I can hardly prevent myself from throwing up. Words can hurt so many people AND can trigger nightmares for abuse and trauma survivors. Does he care that his speeches make us sick? The man has no clue.
Here’s a list of red flags Donald Trump has that makes him a sociopath:
- He has an inflated, oversized ego.
- He lies to see if he can trick people.
- He has no sense of empathy.
- He shows no remorse or shame.
- He behaves irresponsibly and impulsively.
- He has no friends unless he needs them.
- He breaks laws because he doesn’t believe society’s rules apply to him.
He makes me sick — and I HATE to vomit. These are just a few of the reasons I can’t and won’t vote for him.
Think wisely before you vote during this election. But DO VOTE! Let’s show the world that we will not be intimidated by a sociopathic bully.
I’ll never give up the belief that good conquers evil!
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