We the People

by Alexis Acker-Halbur

A white triangle pattern is shown in this image.We the People . . .

did not ask men to violate the bodies of women, nor did we ask men to create laws to punish us for our beliefs and constitution-given rights.

We the People . . .

are human beings with minds, bodies, and beating hearts. The laws of this nation need to validate gender equality, and void male domination over females in every area of a woman’s life.

We the People . . .

means, as women, we deserve identical respect as men and must never be treated as subservient.

We the People . . .

are wives, mothers, grandmothers, sisters, children, friends, aunts, partners and spouses, regardless of what genes we possess and do not have, or what status we have attained or not.

We the People . . .

are women who have been traumatized for centuries by men who seek the power to dominate and rule our lives with pain, punishment, and suffering.

We the People . . .

are millions of women who want to be heard.

Men, why aren’t you listening?


I recently wrote this piece out of frustration for the way the rights of women are being violated. I may be frustrated, but I’ll NEVER GIVE UP! Are you bothered by the latest news on women rights? Let me know.

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1 comment

Aurore Birrueta February 16, 2020 - 5:51 AM

Your article is really helpful. thnks…

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