Spread the Word | Tell the World

Spread the Word | Tell the World

child-594519_640[I receive emails like this one from the American Society for Positive Care of Children (American SPCC) on a regular basis. They have great articles and information to help protect children. If you’re interested, please sign-up on their site to receive these important notices. Speak up because children can’t!]


Using Social Media to Raise Awareness

Child abuse is everyone’s business. By coming together as a community, and collaboratively sharing through our social media channels, we can spread the word, break the silence, raise public awareness, and shine a light on the epidemic of child abuse and neglect in America.

Jointly, we can raise public awareness, to deliver a louder voice for the voiceless. Please join us in speaking up about child abuse, neglect, exploitation, maltreatment of children, bullying, cyber-bullying, parenting, and Shaken Baby Syndrome.


We’ve already created multiple images, videos, and messages for you to choose from and easily share.

Go to our webpage and get started today. Perhaps even set a calendar reminder to share daily or weekly.
You are the difference! Speak up for children, because they can’t.

Use the power of the social media to make a difference. Join us. Start sharing today. Let’s go viral!

In Gratitude,
American SPCC Staff, Youth Ambassadors & Volunteers
501(c)3 Nonprofit Charity

The Outcome of Telling the Truth

The Outcome of Telling the Truth
Never Give Up!
Never Give Up!

In last Sunday’s StarTribune newspaper, a front page article stated: Abuse reports swamp system. Children are stranded as Hennepin County foster homes and shelters fill up. The first paragraph read, A dramatic rise in reported child abuse in Hennepin County is overwhelming children protection workers, filling up foster homes and shelter beds and in extreme cases forcing children to stay with abusive parents, according to county officials and records.

I’m not at all surprised by this article — I’m sad but not surprised. Why? Child abuse is no longer a secret. The Catholic Church brought child abuse to the front and center of society’s consciousness. We are now seeing the real stories and the real numbers of children who have suffered abuse. But despite the consciousness raising, there also comes the lack of resources for these children. Many of us knew abuse was rampant but until the actual numbers started climbing and the public become more aware, we’ve been left without enough resources to help these children heal. These children grow into adults who often are troubled by depression and anxiety, suicidal thoughts, illness, mental health disorders, low or no self-esteem, and hopelessness.

We need more government agencies and health care clinics to address abuse issues and offer programs that help these adult children heal. One program I’m very familiar with is the Renewing Life program offered by Pathways in Minneapolis, MN for people who have chronic or terminal illnesses. Renewing Life helped me survive my two diagnoses of Stage IV colon cancer by teaching me how to cope with unresolved trauma from my own abuse. I’ve written a lot of blogs about how unresolved trauma can make us ill and cited research studies that connect stress/trauma and illness. If we really want abused children to become healthy adults, I truly believe the Renewing Life program is a great answer.

I’m a certified Renewing Life facilitator and I’m willing and able to contour the program to meet the needs of adults abused as children. This program can heal them with ways to:

  • understand how dangerous stress affects the health of the mind-body-spirit balance
  • release unhealthy anger and fear
  • stop violence and trauma from affecting well-being
  • strengthen the immune system against illness, stress, and injury
  • cope with setbacks
  • live with new life changes
  • heal, survive, and thrive in today’s world

The cost is minimal when compared with all the health care issues associated with abuse. I saw my own medical costs decline after going through the Renewing Life program.

Don’t ignore adults who were abused as children. Renewing Life is a low-cost program we can offer and, I have a co-facilitator who would love to work with these special people. Let’s make it happen.

Contact me through this website to discuss possible opportunities for healing.

Never give up — ever!